
TEAM Seoul
Browse through the short profiles of our delegates we put together below, and get a glimpse at who’s part of the team and what makes them get up in the morning. If you want to know more about their experiences throughout training and at WorldMUN 2015 check out our news or the official WorldMUN aftermovie.

Johannes Wolf
He is currently studying Medical & Law Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University and the Technical University of Munich. He was part of MeCuM Sigma, a project on Clinic Management and moreover, he is an Erasmus Team member of MediTUM in Munich.
“WorldMUN is a unique possibility to connect with amazing people from all over the globe. I strongly believe that the cultural, economical and political exchange will widen our horizons and help us to better understand the needs and aims of foreign countries as well as our own. I am looking forward to great experiences that will help me grow as a person and as a professional. Happy to take on this challenge, I will put all my effort into making it an extraordinary experience for everyone who is involved in our team and beyond.”

Sascha Firtina
He is currently pursuing his Bachelor Degree in Business Management at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar. In 2015, he will spend his Academic Exchange Year at the Koç Üniversity in Istanbul.
“As I grew up with two cultures I have always been interested in understanding more different cultures, religions and believes. Therefore, I chose an international university and have collected many experiences abroad. Having a background in economics, I applied for the Harvard WorldMUN Delgation of be.boosted as it is the perfect opportunity to develop interdisciplinary knowledge of political and economic coherencies not only by collaborating in a team with different areas of specialization but also by discussing and debating with people from all over the world about current issues our world faces. In addition it is a great chance to build cross-border relationships and to set up an international network of open-minded young professionals. I am excited for this experience to start and cannot wait to grow my international understanding in many areas.”

Anne-Louise Meyer
She is currently pursuing her Masters Degree in Speech Communication and Rhetoric and she is also studying medicine at the University of Regensburg. She spend various internships abroad such as in Samoa and the Seychelles.
“Two sisters fight about an orange. Both claim it for themselves. They cannot agree who will get it until their mother intervenes. She asks each daughter what interest she takes in the orange. “I want to drink orange juice!” answers one. The other replies: “I’d like to use the zest for making a cake.” – This little example is often used to illustrate an essential part of the Harvard concept for negotiation: focus on interests, not on positions. I strongly believe in communication as a key to solving problems. Hence, I am keen on participating in WorldMUN where controversial debates will be used to create solutions for pressing issues of our days such as ensuring peace or promoting global health. I want to exchange ideas and perspectives with students from different countries and different cultural backgrounds to help foster tolerance and respect. And most of all, I want use communication as a peaceful way to end conflicts – in some cases maybe even as ideally as in the orange example.”

Bianca Perina
She is a Bachelor Student of Communication & Cultural Management at the Zeppelin University. She has also gained insights in International Relations during internships within the Austrian Foreign Ministry in Indonesia and India.
“I strongly believe in the power of the written word, be it books, conventions, resolutions or newspaper articles. I believe that profound and well reviewed opinions of the generations to come can change the course of all spheres of society and I am convinced that it is my duty in life to learn to participate in whatever challenges international politics will face and therefore discuss in the foreseeable future. I want to attend Harvard WorldMUN 2015 in Seoul in order to get to know potential future leaders – their hopes, their fears and their way of approaching international affairs. As many marvelous possibilities online applications offer us today, it is still only in personal interaction that deals are closed or countries are shaped. Academically coming from a cultural studies education, I try to enhance the delegation’s background with insights to cultural policy as well as policies on art and literature and their sociological and economical implications on states. I formerly held the position as a Student Senator at Zeppelin University, I was a chosen delegate for the HPAIR (Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations) Asia Conference 2013 in Dubai. Nevertheless, for the goal of actually contributing to international politics still requires an enormous plurality of teachers to learn from I am honored and excited to be chosen as one of the 2014/15 eMUN-fellows by be.boosted!”

Philipp Hanheide
He has recently completed his undergraduate studies in Economics at the University of Göttingen and will now continue with his Masters Degree in International Economics and Economic Policy at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.
“Experiencing and exploring everyday life in the US, Thailand, India and Germany made me realize how fundamental international exchange is to taking on the challenges of the modern world: Bringing together dedicated people from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds harbors unique potential for unexpected, electrifying, and valuable solutions. Whilst I am passionate about empirical Economics, competitive rowing, and Southeast Asian culture; I recognize many more perspectives are needed to achieve the best possible results when dealing with global issues. I am therefore excited to work with other talented young delegates from various disciplinary backgrounds and meet students from all over the World in Seoul. Oh – and I gained another major insight on meeting people of different cultures too: It is great fun!”

Alexandra Kessler
She completed her undergraduate studies in Psychology at the Ruprechts-Karls-University in Heidelberg. She has gained experiences abroad such as with Plight of the Child Intl. during an education project in Ghana.
“Ever passionate about making a positive impact, ever fascinated by topics spanning the globe and ever eager for travel and getting to know new cultures, being a part of the delegation to Seoul seemed like just the perfect match to me. Looking back, I’ve always been curious about exploring intercultural understanding and global matters on as many levels as possible -. As abstract as positive impact may sound, I genuinely do believe that everyone is capable of making a difference, be it in larger or smaller steps, be it a huge milestone or everyday deeds, be it widely visible or subtle. My passion lies in contributing to understanding between peoples, connecting to people from all around the world and developing impactful ideas in discussions in order to make positive change possible – and WorldMUN seems a wonderful place to explore it all from yet another angle. Therefore, I’m thrilled to embark on this journey, to dive headfirst into an array of lively debates and set sail for exciting times ahead!”

My Trinh Thao
She is currently pursuing her Masters Degree in International Marketing and Management at Copenhagen Business School. She also interned in the Marketing Department at Lufthansa AirPlus.
“Sooner or later, everyone is confronted with the following questions: “What do I want to do with my life? Where do I see myself in the next couple of years? …” One year before graduating from Copenhagen Business School with my Master’s degree in International Marketing and Management, the feared identity crisis hit me once again. All I knew is that I want to live and work in an international environment. And there it was, the opportunity to join the be.boosted delegation to the Harvard WorldMUN conference 2015 in vibrant Seoul. Learning and discussing about global issues, developing leadership skills and accessing a network of bright and interesting people – this is definitely a right step into the yet unknown future. I am really excited about the coming five months of intense learning together with the dedicated be.boosted team and my enthusiastic team-members. My personal advice therefore is: Stop worrying about the future and start creating it.”

Sebastian Gerlach
He has studied International Affairs at Harvard University, the American University of Beirut, and the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
“Due to various internship experiences and travelling throughout the region, I have developed a special interest in Middle Eastern affairs, and thus aims at pursuing a specialization in this field. I’m looking forward to contributing my manifold experiences to the team and I am absolutely thrilled to serve as an eMUN-fellow to the Harvard WorldMUN. I truly believe that participating at one of the largest and most international MUN conferences, and being party of a delegation that consists of unique and promising delegates from various backgrounds can make a real impact on one’s personal development.”

Jannis Poestges
He is currently pursuing his Masters Degree in International Media Business at the University of Westminster. Moreover, he spent a year abroad for his Bachelors Degree in Business Administration at the University of Oregon.
“I am very excited to be part of the be.boosted delegation for the Havard WorldMUN conference 2015 in Seoul. It is a great opportunity to train and practice skills that are highly important in my personal and professional future, such as effective communication, negotiation strategies, debating or public speaking. Moreover, it is a great pleasure to interact with so many interesting and talented people. That goes for the be.boosted team, the whole delegation and the other conference participants from 80+ countries. I am looking forward to an intense time, a steep learning curve and a lot of fun experiences.”

Lucas Schaefer
He studies Politics, Economics & Sociology as a Double Bachelor between Sciences Po Paris and UCL London and is convinced that sustainable solutions to today’s issues call for science to cross its disciplines.
“I have promoted environmental sustainability as a fundraiser for Germany’s largest ecological NGO since 2012. Deeming youth involvement a prerequisite for any sustainable politics, I served as Youth Representative of the EU to the G20, an appointment that culminated in the G20 Youth Summit 2014 in Sydney, Australia. While I rely on 12 previous Model UN experiences, I regard the diversity of backgrounds in the be.boosted– delegation to WorldMUN 2015 as a unique impetus. When the world’s largest, most qualified Model UN seeks to shape tomorrow today, nothing could offer greater sustainable potential. Hence nothing could motivate me more than to excel WorldMUN 2015 as a be.boosted-fellow.”

Pamela Taylor
She is currently completing her MBA at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Germany as well as interning in Corporate Talent Management at Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA.
“I enjoy getting to know people from all over the world, which is reflected in my choice for an internationally-focused masters program, as well as my residency in Germany for the past 5 years. I speak English as my mother tongue and German with professional fluency. Since high school I have been involved in Model United Nations and Youth and Government programs, and I couldn’t be more excited for the opportunity to participate on a global level in Seoul.”

Salim Acimi
He is completing his final year as a medical student at the University of Regensburg. Additionally, he already gained work experience in internal medicine in various countries such as Australia and Peru.
“In the realms of my studies I have been lucky enough to work in medical environments on four continents ranging from high – end setting such as Yale and Johns – Hopkins University to basic rural ones such as the indigenous population in Peru’s rain forest. Furthermore, I gained non- medical experience with internships at one of the leading consulting company’s and I am completing a Masters in Experimental Neuroscience. I am especially interested in international work concerning global health issues, international aid and the NGO working environment. I am excited to be joining the be.boosted Harvard WorldMUN delegation 2015 in Seoul as an eMUN-fellow with, to gain valuable experience, to foster my skills and to contribute my part to support the team.”

Lin Liu
She is currently pursuing her Masters Degree in Management at the University of Mannheim. Moreover she participated in the Exchange Program with the National Taiwan University in Taipei.
“As a third culture kid, I have been exposed to foreign countries, cultures and languages from childhood on. Having experienced intercultural misunderstandings but also great moments of mutual appreciation and learning firsthand has made me realize how important intercultural exchange and cross-cultural communication are. Harvard WorldMUN offers the perfect opportunity to foster intercultural understanding, to broaden one’s horizon, to get out of one’s comfort zone and to think outside the box. Meeting young aspiring individuals from all over the world, engaging in lively discussions and heated debates on international matters and learning from one another will be a truly inspiring and challenging experience. I am absolutely thrilled to serve as an eMUN delegate to the 24th Harvard WorldMUN conference in Seoul and can’t wait for the journey to begin!”

Sophie Hermanns
She has already lived in various countries all over the world, such as Cambodia or France. Currently she is studying at Sciences Po in Paris.
“I completed my bachelor in history at Cambridge and now I am pursuing a master’s degree at the University of North Carolina, Sciences Po in Paris, Humboldt University and Free University in Berlin. As part of my degree I studied international relations, social science, political philosophy and economics. Outside my studies, I have conducted research on the United Nations during two internships at research institutes in Germany and the US. Having lived in the US, the UK, France, Cambodia, Tanzania and Germany, I love working in multicultural settings. I’m excited to learn from the challenges of Harvard WorldMUN.”

Katharina Brinck
She recently started her PhD in Mathematics at the Imperial College of London. Katharina has a strong research background, and already worked on diverse issues such as modelling tropical rainforests.
“I am passionately curious about life and its organization in the world around us. Being fond of conceptual questions, I study principles behind the formation and development of complex ecosystems; a topic which due to its interdisciplinarity and its global relevance crucially depends on the exchange of ideas and knowledge across disciplines and stakeholders. I believe that one of the most fruitful ways of learning is to actively encourage and engage in discussions with people from diverse backgrounds, and am therefore excited to be part of the be.boosted-LIMUN delegation to learn, grow and broaden my horizon as sort of an „exotic“ among the fascinating other fellows experienced in political sciences, business & management and international relations. I am very much looking forward to the inspiring time we doubtlessly will be sharing.”

Daniela Hildenbrand
She has recently completed her undergraduate studies in International Relations and Management and International Affairs and Diplomacy in Regensburg and Oxford and now continues with an LLM programme in International Law at the University of Edinburgh Law School.
“My research focuses on diplomacy, intelligence and power, shared Situation Awareness, dislocated and cross-disciplinary cooperation, neuro-cognitive behavioural analysis and its influences on smart decision-making and leadership. As a former first generation delegate of the eMUN-fellows.net Delegation to Harvard World MUN in 2014, I’m now strategically shaping be.boosted as Project Director and involved in training and coaching of the delegations to come, conceptualising ideas and experiences from my studies, summer schools and research cooperations with the NATO SOF NSTEP HQ Mons and the NATO Intel Fusion Centre Oxford and internships at the General Council in Paris and the German Embassy in Santiago de Chile. I’m looking more than forward to contribute with my gained knowledge for Harvard WorldMUN.”
TEAM London
Browse through the short profiles of our delegates we put together below, and get a glimpse at who is part of the team and what makes them get up in the morning.

Raphael Boemelburg
He is currently pursuing his Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology at the Ruhr University in Bochum. In 2014 he was visiting student researcher at the Stanford University.
“When the announcement of the e-MUN fellowship reached me, I was immediately excited to apply. To me it means an inspiring integration of two things I really care about: The opportunity to grow personally combined with a meaningful setting in which young individuals can learn about socially important issues and ways to make change happen politically. As a social entrepreneur I strive for these very things in my professional life. I deem it as my mission to tackle urgent social issues by helping individuals to actualize their full potential for happiness and making a positive impact in their communities. To do so I integrate sophisticated modern smartphone and camera technology with revolutionary strategies for analyzing big data and a thorough scientific understanding of psychology. I look back to over four years of research experience in Social and Emotion Psychology in outstanding scientific facilities like the Stanford University and the University of Miami.”

Carolin Huber
She is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Business Administration at the University of Regensburg. At the moment, she is enjoying an Erasmus semester at the France Business School in Clermont-Ferrand.
“Due to the fact that I am highly interested in intercultural programs and foreign policies being part of the be.boosted delegation offers me the possibility to learn more about current world issues in a unique program. Developing my professional and soft skills, attending the coaching sessions, meeting people from all over the world, learning about networking as well as the improvement of my leadership skills are just some reasons out of many why I am exceedingly thrilled to serve as an eMUN-fellows delegate to the London International Model United Nations Conference 2015. As I took part in several MUN conferences and international programs the last years I am now looking forward to start working in such an interesting, motivated and outstanding team.”

Christina Klotz
She studies Politics and Economics at the University of Münster. Her resumé includes an internship at the German national parliament, as well as volunteer work, for instance teaching middle schoolers in Rabat, Morocco.
“I applied for the be.boosted delegation to Model United Nations so that I would not only experience a large scale international MUN, but also be superbly prepared for it. Be.boosted really makes a point of teaching soft skills like negotiating and convincing others which will be needed at the MUN and also in numerous everyday situations. Led by a team of innovative young people that reaches out to other ambitious students, makes being part of the team a great opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from each other. And this is all just before actually going to the conference. -London here we come!”

Philipp Heuermann
He is studying Governance and Public Policy at the University of Passau. Moreover, he spent a semester at the Lahore University of Management Sciences in Pakistan and completed an internship at the German Embassy in Dhaka.
“Having a great passion for international relations, traveling and different cultures, I truly embrace the spirit of Model United Nations as it fosters the ability of young people to solve problems collaboratively and think in a global perspective. A high-school semester in Canada provided me with the first extensive international experience. Most recently, I spent a semester abroad at the Lahore University of Management Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan and interned at the German Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To be part of the be.boosted delegation represents a unique learning opportunity that I would like to leverage together with my fellow team members. I am very much looking forward to working together with all the bright individuals in the team and contributing from my own experiences to make London a success for all of us.”

Vanessa Hirneis
She already spent a year in Carmel, IN (USA) as a junior ambassador for the German Bundestag. Currently, Vanessa is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
“I am intrigued by intercultural exchange. Whenever I have the opportunity I try to get and stay in touch with people of different biographical backgrounds and often times I get inspired to try new things myself. Being part of the London International Model United Nations as an eMUN-fellow gives me the opportunity to experience the promotion of international co-operation in an authentic, unique and diverse environment. I am beyond thrilled for an intense training phase and the chance to meet and exchange with likewise globally thinking people, while perfecting my skills in conflict resolution and most importantly standing up for justice, peace and human dignity with a splendid team beside me.”

Katharina Brinck
She recently started her PhD in Mathematics at the Imperial College of London. Katharina has a strong research background, and already worked on diverse issues such as modelling tropical rainforests.
“I am passionately curious about life and its organization in the world around us. Being fond of conceptual questions, I study principles behind the formation and development of complex ecosystems; a topic which due to its interdisciplinarity and its global relevance crucially depends on the exchange of ideas and knowledge across disciplines and stakeholders. I believe that one of the most fruitful ways of learning is to actively encourage and engage in discussions with people from diverse backgrounds, and am therefore excited to be part of the be.boosted-LIMUN delegation to learn, grow and broaden my horizon as sort of an „exotic“ among the fascinating other fellows experienced in political sciences, business & management and international relations. I am very much looking forward to the inspiring time we doubtlessly will be sharing.”

Laura Hoffmann
She is currently studying medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Laura already began working on her dissertation on heart attack MRI diagnostic.
“Besides my studies I have a huge interest in economical and political issues. I have been part of a Health Management project last year, which gave me an inside into team work and decision-making, I am now thrilled to enhance both my professional and soft skills during the next months of intense training. Due to the fact that I am highly interested in intercultural issues, I have spent some time abroad in England, Spain and Switzerland. I see the upcoming conference as a great opportunity to meet students with different backgrounds from all over Europe. I am convinced that this exchange broadens the horizon and I do expect this event to be fun. I am inspired to participate as be.boosted delegate in London International MUN. I will try my very best to add some different points of view to our upcoming discussions due to my medical background and cannot wait to get started with my team.”

Felicitas Pietrulla
She is currently a Master of Arts candidate for Political and Administrative Science at the University of Konstanz with a focus on management. Moreover, she is pursuing her Master in European Business at the ESCP Europe.
“Model United Nations is a great opportunity to improve basically any kind of my skills. Whether it is about networking, rhetorical skills, time management or crowdfunding… I am therefore very happy to join the LIMUN team of be.boosted and I cannot wait to meet new amazing, open-minded people. It will be a very enriching experience to prepare with other team members for the simulation to finally be successful as a team at LIMUN 2015. Due to several study-related stays and internships abroad, I have already gained substantial international experience. International conferences and other events such as MUNs are a great chance for me to further enhance my international acumen and to pursue an international and responsible career path.”

Anna Trebacz
She studies Business Administration at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin. At orderbird AG, she supports the finance department in analyzing and improving internal processes.
“Studying business administration is boring? Not at all! I attend a dual programme that allows me to get a very deep look inside real businesses. How? When others enjoy their extended semester-break I apply my theoretical knowledge in a medium-sized start-up software company in Berlin Kreuzberg.Numbers and languages are two of my passions. I believe in efficiency based on a good structure even though breaking structures by spontaneity makes even more fun from time to time. I was born in Berlin and speak German, English, Polish and French and plan to learn far more languages. But it isn’t the ability to talk and understand other languages only but also to learn more about all the different cultures in the world. LIMUN 2015 is a great opportunity to start shaping my skills within a strong delegation: Language-, efficiency- and negotiating-skills. Not to mention the huge variety of intercultural experiences I will be able to make. Together with my great teamI couldn’t be more excited to rock London soon!

Victor Deniz
He is currently pursuing his Master of Science in Management and Technology at the TUM School of Management. He gathered management consulting experience with Horváth & Partners in the automotive sector.
“Being half French, half German, I was never able to answer the question on where I am from or which country I feel most attached to. The more time I spent in an international context where diversity is the closest you get to normality, the blurrier these boundaries became and I, since, consider myself a Global Citizen. The United Nations plays a major role in avoiding or settling international conflicts in order to allow a cosmopolitan spirit to spread and prosper. I am incredibly excited to be part of the be.boosted delegation to London International Model United Nations. There is not much I find more thrilling than meeting amazing new people from all over the world and engaging in passionate discussions with them in order to challenge my opinions and believes. I believe the LIMUN conference as well as the intensive preparation beforehand will provide plenty of opportunities to do just that. Additionally, I have grown more and more interested in negotiations and I am looking forward to test and improve my skills in this field at LIMUN.”

Cecilia Wörthmüller
She recently completed her Bachelors Degree in Economics with Philosophy and Finance at the University of Lancaster, where she also was elected as president of the Economic Society. She already gathered extensive work experience in the advisory sector and founded Skill City.
“I am a very open-minded, curious person, who loves to meet interesting people from different countries and discuss the challenges of today´s world. Getting a first-hand experience of the difficulty of finding solutions to these problems is something I consider to be extremely rewarding. On top of that, I think the fellowship program will help me to make the most of LIMUN. It is a great opportunity to improve and develop important skills, to grow personally and further sharpen my profile. That´s why I am really excited to be part of be.boosted!”

Laura Letterton
Currently she is pursuing her Master in Management at the ESSEC Business School (France) and the University of Mannheim. Besides extensive work experience in consulting and auditing, she volunteered in Bolivia to help miners’ children.
“As a Double-Degree student between the ESSEC Business School in Paris and the University of Mannheim, I have been living in a very international environment for the past few years. The LIMUN is for me an amazing opportunity to both earn some valuable professional and soft skills and to broaden my international horizon. By participating in this summit, I am hoping to develop my negotiation skills and to improve my knowledge of the UN and of global decision-making. I am also really looking forward to work closely with this unique group of delegates from very different backgrounds and cannot wait to meet students from all over the world in London!“

Simone Schmid
She just finished her master thesis in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is currently completing her masters in Public Health (MPH) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London (LSHTM).
“I have been supporting the Health Procurement Team at UNOPS headquarter´s in Copenhagen after my assignment at the WHO where I have been working for the strategic partnership office for 9 months (2012/2013). I hold a bachelor degree (B.Sc.) in Health Care Management/ Health Economics from the University of Bayreuth, Germany. I also gained practical experiences during my internship at the Royal Rehabilitation Centre in Sydney and at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore. During my undergraduates I have been working at the Medicine Department of my University and have been a student abroad at the Hawai`i Pacific University (HPU) and University of Hawaii (UH) to broaden my knowledge in Alternative Medicine/ Nutrition and Nursing for two semesters. I have been engaged in voluntary work e.g. at the World Youth Day in Sydney, mentoring the commodity team “Equal Opportunities” and the “Medicine and Ethics in Health Care.”