
TEAM Montreal
Browse through the short profiles of our delegates we put together below, and get a glimpse at who’s part of the team and what makes them get up in the morning.
These beautiful people have made it to Montreal thanks to your support!

Clara Grabitz
Having studied in Oxford and the Netherlands I joined the delegation to connect with likeminded people from all over Germany. The philosophy and energy of be.boosted is contagious and I am inspired to challenge myself. I am excited to develop my debate skills in this diverse environment, because I believe that scientific and societal advancement require interdisciplinary collaboration and communication. As a MUN newbie the opportunity to participate in Harvard WorldMUN will be my highlight.

Estelle Zanga
Every day, cultivate a mind to dare, a heart to care and an eye to perceive beauty everywhere.’ This personal motto of mine has consistently driven my appeal to challenges, as opportunities to grow and to contribute to a more
inclusive world. My studies in business management and economics, combined with my passion for performing arts have taught me to draw inspiration and to learn from every encounter. With a lifelong aspiration to design scalable microeconomic solutions to poverty, I perceive be-boosted as a tremendous platform to develop interpersonal skills that will allow me to collaborate and communicate more effectively with people. Above all, Be-boosted spirit is one not only of excellence, but also of benevolence and encouragement to create beauty together.”

Lucas Köhler
I am currently completing two master degrees in social psychology and international relations in Groningen. I joined the Be.Boosted delegation to seize an opportunity and to take on a challenge. In this setting, I can integrate my experience in intercultural communication, teamwork and planning in a completely new environment. I am looking forward to getting to know a team from diverse disciplines and to learning how to deal with global issues in the context of the Model United Nations.

Antonia Sattlegger

Frank Hemmert
Born in Japan, as the son of a Korean mother and a German father, I have been raised in close contact with multiple cultures from as early as I can remember. As a delegate in the NMUN New York 2016, I confirmed that my passions lie in international business and global politics. I joined be.boosted, as it offers invaluable training in leadership skills and unique experiences on international conferences.

Christian König
As part of my studies I am exposed to the problems many people across the globe still face and my will to find solutions has been driving me over the past years. I want to use be.boosted to help me in becoming a strong voice for the change that we need to tackle issues like hunger and climate change. Connecting people all over the world is an incredibly powerful thing and I cannot wait to meet everyone at WorldMUN

Darya Khandoga
It was at WorldMUN in Rome that I first learned about be.boosted. It was impossible to miss them. People were whispering about the be.boosted delegation, steeped in legend, who excelled in every committee – it ignited my curiosity. So I started observing and got very inspired by the outstanding team spirit, competence and positive attitude. Yet, most of all, how they made a visible difference in the crowd. I quickly realized, that’s what I want too. Now being a fellow, I am grateful to work in a competitive yet individuals-focused environment, pushing my boundaries, growing my mind on many dimensions and training my communication skills to be more targeted and effective. At Be.Boosted we are shaping and sharpening each other in a team of interesting and interested people, aiming to become a competent global leader in a world that is so in need of good leadership. I am excited about our journey and am looking forward to all the personal and collective achievements we’ll experience together!

York von Negenborn
Debates which challenge me, topics that intrigue me and people who fascinate me – taking part in the be.boosted-trainings and participating at the WorldMUN offer a great opportunity to broden one’s mind! It sounds as promising for improving leadership skills as it does for having heaps of fun and a great time as a member of this year’s delegation. I am convinced that we will grow to our best by giving our best!

Kai-Hendrik Cohrs
Intercultural exchange has always played a central role in my life. I see it as my duty to contribute to tolerance and intercultural understanding. be.boosted offers the opportunity to help me become a person who can have an impact. It is an honour to be part of the fellowship and the be.boosted-MUN delegation this year, together with a team of stunning people, to meet more stunning people from all over the world, to connect, to get inspired, to grow and to encourage one another to make a difference.

Johanna Maria Oesinghaus
be.boosted is not only the great opportunity to be part of the WorldMUN Montreal but to develop my negotiation skills in an international context. Moreover, I am intrigued to meet so many fascinating people from all over the world with a can-do spirit. That is the reason why I am extremely excited to start: get together with dedicated people, debate about crucial issues and take this inspiring feeling to the world.

Christian Trenk
Through the joy of travelling, I’ve developed an interest in all matters international, interreligious and intercultural. WorldMUN, bringing together likeminded young people from everywhere, various walks of life and academic backgrounds seems like the perfect opportunity to network with fascinating people, experience international affairs and thereby grow as a person –I’m very excited to be a part of the experience.

Pelle John
I joined the be.boosted program to develop myself further while I am working with a great team to solve the problems of today. I am so much looking forward to get to know everybody, not only on a superficial level, but in a way we can learn and help each other during the fellowship and afterwards. It is so exciting to imagine that we will be together with dozens of different nations in a couple of months.