TEAM Panama
The be.boosted delegation 2018 has been selected in a competitive Germany-wide recruiting process. Jointly, these 10 young leaders studied 15 different subjects at 17 Universities, already did more than 25 internships, and spent more than 50 years in over 20 distinct countries other than Germany.
They speak 13 languages, and contribute to making the world a better place through more than 25 projects and initiatives. For this, they have been awarded more than 30 scholarships and awards.Browse through the short profiles of our delegates we put together below, and get a glimpse of who’s part of the team and what makes them get up in the morning!

Jana Schirmaier
MSc in Psychology at Universität Heidelberg
Jana is this year’s Head Delegate, and as such she is not only part of the delegation but also part of the trainer team. Jana was part of the be.boosted delegation to LIMUN 2017 and is excited to boost herself even more together with the new fellows by attending Harvard WorldMUN 2018 in Panama. As a psychology student at the University of Heidelberg she focuses on nudging and health behavior change – answering questions like “how can we make it easier for people to stick to their good intentions?” In addition, she works as a product manager on the development of new health concepts. Other than work, Jana loves songwriting.

Backtosch Mustafa
Medicine at Universität Hamburg
Be.boosted means for me improvement, experience and pushing yourself to the limits. Through be.boosted I want to improve myself and the world, I am living in. As the son of Afghan refugees, growing up in Germany, I can take various perspectives to find a solution for different current issues. As a delegate I can use this ability to improve my leadership-skills, learn how to act and negotiate about world issues and make new experiences that will help me pursue my future goals.

Dominik Wielath
BSc Buisnessinformatics at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Politics and IT were always fascinating fields to me and I happily engaged in both. Be.boosted allows me to interact with passionate, talented and highly qualified students from different scientific and cultural backgrounds. I hope to be presented with viewpoints beyond my present perception. Furthermore, I am determined to use my experiences for the community and to my personal improvement.

Maximilian Charlet
MA Public Policy at Freie Universität Berlin and MSc in Managament at HEC Paris
Studying economics and management at WHU Vallendar and HEC Paris as well as Public Policy at FU Berlin, I combine a quantitative mindset with a profound knowledge of political sciences. be.boosted is a prime chance to apply my academic skills at Harvard World MUN in a global context. I aim at developing my negotiating skills, my rhetoric assertiveness as well as benefitting generally from the diverse backgrounds of my outstanding team members. I am therefor thrilled to participate in the fellowship.

Joshua Kriesmann
Law student at Freie Universität Berlin
As active solicitor for intercultural and transatlantic communication, I have a keen interest in deepening my understanding of the world. Exchanging views with people from different backgrounds is not only strengthening our sense of global wisdom but enlightens us on human diversity. Thus, joining the be.boosted delegation is a great opportunity for me to see the world through different eyes and to experience the unique set of people at the most competitive MUNs in the world.
Joshua and his organisation “Schüler Treffen Flüchtlinge” have recently been featured in the Berliner Morgenpost.

Charlotte Zierz
Medicine at Universität Freiburg
Being at medical school myself, I keenly feel the need to go beyond specialized medical knowledge and to broaden my perspective on current global issues. Be.boosted offers the opportunity to shape diverse skills to make an impact in our increasingly complex society. I am super excited about becoming part of an ambitious and inspiring team and meeting other open-minded and committed students. Finally, attending MUN will be a unique chance to share ideas and, in the long run, to make change happen.

Thore Buergel
MSc Molecular Biotechnology at Universität Heidelberg
I strongly believe in communication as the key to success. World MUN with its numerous comitees and days of intense negotiations is probably the very essence of applied communication. Hence I am more than excited to be part of the be.boosted Panama 2018 delegation. I am very much looking forward to the next months, an intensive time with brilliant people and can’t wait to meet the team and start working!

Caroline Kopf
BBA Hons International Business Management at Lancaster University Management School (UK) and ESB Business School (DE)
I am very excited to leave my little “bubble” and get to know a group of amazing, inspiring people from various backgrounds and disciplines. As one of our trainers said, be.boosted doesn’t only help us develop our skills and learn something new. Most importantly, we can push ourselves to the limit, and have a save environment for trying out something new, maybe even failing – but learning from it and doing better the next time. I am really looking forward to this amazing adventure!

Khoi Nguyen
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics at University of Warwick (UK)
Debating and Philosophy are what defines me. One teaches me to quickly react to reasons; the other slows down my conscious thinking. One trains to speak clearly, the other to think clearly. But what both have in common is that they never let me get comfortable. Every time, they shake me up just a bit and nudge me slightly towards correcting my faults. That is why I’m fascinated by other be.boosted fellows, who through their genuine talent and ambition, inspire and challenge me. It’s a reminder that I am, after all, still a work in progress.

Natalia Filvarova
MSc Systemic Neurosciences at Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
I’m a Neuroscientist in the making, and I strive to promote science and access to education to everyone. be.boosted is exactly the challenging and inspiring environment I long for to push myself beyond my limits. I’m excited to work closely with a bunch of extremely talented and motivated people, and hope to learn first hand about making a sizable impact in this world!
The Trainers
Every year a core set of trainers takes on the challenge to make the fellowship become reality with the help of our head of skills, former head of skills, and the board of project directors. These core trainers also accompany our delegates to LIMUN and WorldMUN as advisors. However, throughout the fellowship a diverse set of alumni help out with the fellowship project and training in different ways: helping out with the selection process, chairing mock debates, participating in simulations, sharing expert content, being a mentor, raising funds, communicating with sponsors and more.

Clara Grabitz
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience at Radboud University (NL)
Clara graduated from the University of Oxford in 2016 and currently studies in the Netherlands. She is a true believer of interdisciplinary collaboration and communication as requirements for scientific and societal advancement. Clara found her love for debating through be.boosted and enjoys connecting people within and outside be.boosted to the fullest. She’s been part of Team Montreal 2017 and will be joining this year’s delegation at LIMUN and WorldMUN as a Faculty Advisor.

York von Negenborn
Industrial Engineering at Technische Universität Dresden
York has been part of Team Montreal 2017 and loves the heated discussions at MUN conferences as they remind him of “Jugend-debattiert”. Thus, you can always excite him with a good argument! In his spare time, he runs half and full marathons, preferably through his home town of Berlin. Berlin is also where his favourite theaters are located. The only thing that excites him more than seeing a good play, is talking about it afterwards. York will be travelling to LIMUN and WorldMUN as a Faculty Advisor

Lucas Köhler
International Relations & International Organisation (M.A.) and Psychology (M.Sc.) at University of Groningen (NL)
Lucas is passionate about languages, cultural differences, networking, playing with his two and four-year-old nephews, and laughter. He was part of Team Montreal 2017. In his research projects, Lucas emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary work. He recently completed his field work in Sri Lanka, in which he investigated cultural differences in the perception of money and economics.
TEAM London
Team London is a delegation recruited directly from our grow.zone participating in London International Model United Nations (LIMUN) 2018. Together with Team Panama 2018 they are forming the be.boosted delegation to LIMUN 2018.
Browse through the short profiles of our delegates we put together below, and get a glimpse of who’s part of the team and what makes them get up in the morning!

Annika Stechemesser
MSc leading to PhD, Mathematics of Systems at Doctoral Training Centre
As a mathematician it is my passion to explore complex systems. Politics and international relations are some of the most important complex systems shaping our modern world. I joined the be.boosted delegation to LIMUN 2018 to gain a new perspective on these topics by meeting inspiring people from different backgrounds. I’m excited about learning from, and with, the other fellows and look forward to the great time we will be having growing together as a team that is passionate about making a positive impact.

Sophia Hanseder
BA Social Work at Ostbayrische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
It’s an awesome opportunity to develop my communication skills, especially when it’s about improvisation and talking under pressure. Team London 2018 seems to be the perfect fit for me and will help me enormously to interact with different interests and perspectives. I am excited to make unique experiences, meeting interesting people and having a fantastic time together. Together we will grow!

Kaja Waldmann
BSc Public Governance
I regard be.boosted and LIMUN as the chance to join an exciting event and enhance my communication and negotiating skills. Working as a consultant in development cooperation, I want to gain insights into the political mechanisms that drive global change. I am looking forward to discuss today’s world striking challenges with engaged people from all over the world.

Pelumi Fadare
MBA Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ESP)
I am excited about LIMUN 2018 because it gathers the most interesting, strong debaters and world changers in one event. I look forward to learning and being trained with the be.boosted team, as well as develop my debating skills and contribute to making a strong team out of this year’s delegation.

Tobias Bannach
MSc Emerging Economies & International Development at King’s College London (UK)
For me Team London 2018 offers a unique opportunity to take part in a prestigious conference at the intersection of understanding contemporary global challenges, and cross-national networking with high-talented future leaders. I joined the delegation to benefit from the experiences of previous attendees. I am highly confident that the personal mentoring and coaching sessions will help me to expand my personal skills.

Clara C. Eisebraun
MSc Chemistry at Technische Universität München
Meeting a Nobel Prize winner in chemistry was a truly inspiring experience for me: As scientists, we are not only obliged to conduct careful research. It is our responsibility to spread our ideas throughout the world and to promote their conscientious application. be.boosted is an exciting opportunity to get prepared for this challenging task. I look forward to learning from talented people from different professions.

Marc Sommer
BSc Buisness IT Leuphana University of Lüneburg
be.boosted is a great chance to improve abilities in negotiation, leadership and rhetoric, to start looking beyond your own limits and strengthen one’s character. I am really excited to meet highly talented and motivated people from all over the world, to discuss about the worlds issues and starting the process of getting to know myself better. As a MUN beginner, I am glad to be part of the be.boosted delegation to London 2018 – let‘s do it!

Francesca DiDonato
MBChB Medicine at Hannover Medical School and University of Manchester (UK)
With a familial refugee history over two generations, I believe in intercultural understanding and thereby in excellent communication as the key for young leaders to actively shape global future. be.boosted at LIMUN not only offers the ideal opportunity to enhance crucial communication and negotiation skills, but also represents a network of extraordinary talents. Therefore, I am thrilled to get started!
The Trainers
Every year a core set of trainers takes on the challenge to make Team London, a delegation recruited from our grow.zone, become reality with the help of our head of skills, former head of skills, and the board of project directors. These core trainers also accompany our delegates to LIMUN as advisors. However, throughout the programme a diverse set of alumni help out with the training in different ways: chairing mock debates, participating in simulations, sharing expert content, being a mentor, and more.

Johanna Oesinghaus
BA European Studies at University of Passau
Johanna is a Bachelor student of European Studies at the University of Passau, currently living in Spain for a year abroad. She loves to discover knowledge and improve skills as well as to share both with others. So becoming a trainer for be.boosted was an easy decision for her. Johanna has already become addicted to Spanish coffee and food, and is a passionate dancer and traveller. She’s been part of Team Montreal 2017.

Christian König
BA Politics and Global Sustainable Development at University of Warwick (UK)
Christian has been part of Team Montreal 2017 and is currently an undergraduate student of Politics and Global Sustainable Development at the University of Warwick. He is happy to be on the other side of the project, as he is passionate about improving people’s lives and active in student politics. Christian coordinates a network of professionals in the field of development via the Hertie foundation. In his free time he likes to act, hang out with friends and travel.

Katrin Schmuck
Junior Manager Brand Communication, PR and Social Media at Reebok
Katrin studied Business Administration at the Universität Münster and currently works for the adidas Group. She was part of Team Brussels 2014.