
TEAM new york

Agricultural science, Munich
I´m excited to work together with young changemakers from different disciplines & backgrounds and to develop connections to strive collectively towards the SDG´s. One professor compared agricultural science students to ducks. We are not the fastest swimmers, but we can swim, dive, walk and fly. Due to my interdisciplinary field of study, I have a deep appreciation and understanding of many different disciplines.

Medicine, Kiel
Creatively and collaboratively attacking problems has always been a passion for me. In particular, exploring this in the life sciences, has led me to institutes such as the Johns Hopkins University and become the Editor-in-Chief of a student-led journal (Berlin Exchange Medicine). I am so excited to connect with my be.boosted teammates and tackle issues that are larger than the ones I see through my microscope!

Leopold von Hanstein
Law, Munich
Leaving the classroom and learning how international challenges can be solved in a global setting while, at the same time, getting to know like-minded peers makes me thrilled to be part of the fellowship 2022. I want to learn how to efficiently tackle the problems we face globally and acquire the right mindset and necessary skills to do so. Eager to get to know people from all over the world at WorldMUN, I hope to foster relationships that will contribute to global collaboration in the future.

Julian Sandbrink
Medicine, Berlin
As a medical student, I am especially interested in ethical and societal implications of advances in the field. To tackle these issues, good communication is key. Be.boosted is an amazing opportunity to improve my soft skills, and to engage with like-minded people from various subject backgrounds. I am thrilled to be a part of such an inspiring group of young fellows. Let’s learn, grow, and rock WorldMUN together!”

Joscha Pocha
International Affairs, Berlin
Having just finished my medical degree, I am currently doing a Master’s in International Affairs at the Hertie School to combine my knowledge in both fields and pursue a career in politics. Joining the MUN conference with the be boosted program will be a thrilling experience with many great learning opportunities along the way. Aside from meeting many like-minded young professionals, stepping out of my comfort zone and working on rhetorical skills is what I am most excited about.

Jan-Hendrik Höhnk
Sustainable Urban Development, Oxford
I am interested in the innovative potential arising from human cooperation. My research is focussed on social interaction in public space and how people form networks in cities. Be.boosted is an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded fellows, who also seek to improve themselves and their surroundings. In such an environment, we can learn from one another, become better leaders, and have a positive impact together.

Louisa Broeg
International Relations, London / Oxford
I joined be.boosted to meet inspiring people who want to make a difference. As a competitive debater, I know how challenging conferences can be and how being part of a supportive team can elevate everyone’s performance. I am particularly keen to improve my negotiation and communication skills. When I’m not working on my thesis on the role of women in peacebuilding, I coach the German schools debating national team.

Nikolas Karanikolas
Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Karlsruhe / Oxford / Moscow
Having innovative and meaningful ideas is the one, but their implementation requires speaking and negotiation skills, which I aspire to accelerate during my fellowship. I have already met so many inspiring people and getting to know them and their stories is a terrific opportunity. As a full-time voluntary active person, I am especially interested in Development Cooperation and the role of International Institutions.

Irem Demirci
Social Sciences / English
Social Justice, sustainability, racism or gender equality are only some of many global challenges to tackle. Being convinced that mediation, negotiation and cooperation are an essential tool to reach a just, plural and peaceful world, I am thrilled to get the chance to develop these tools and skills within the be.boosted programme. I am excited to go to the WorldMUN in Tokyo!

Constantin Kilcher
History, Cambridge
be.boosted provides a unique opportunity to connect with young people from Germany and beyond, all of us eager to apply our skills to a world in need of courageous, innovative problem-solving. I am humbled by this chance to learn from the other fellows, and to collectively push the boundary of what we thought achievable, bringing my own experiences as an academic, social entrepreneur, and diplomat to the table.

Anna-Christina Knauthe
Medicine, Berlin
I’m excited about the journey that awaits us. A journey, that we will make as individuals, as well as a Team. I’m looking forward to all the inspiring personalities, the interesting conversations, controversial discussions, and compelling ideas, as I believe that this – the people – is one of the things that makes be.boosted so valuable. The idea of improving my leadership, communication, and negotiation skills, by leaving my comfort zone and trying myself out in the safety of Team Tokyo.

Charlotte Giering
Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht / Lüneburg / Valencia
I am thrilled to join Team Tokyo, build new relationships, collaborate, and improve my Softskills to grow in the coming months. I am especially interested in understanding how functional and successful communication, leadership, and negotiation can look like. I am looking forward to sharing my experiences and struggles with the group and to expand my network and comfort zone at the different seminars and conferences.
The Trainers

Tobias Palmowski
Tobias is a master student in Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin. He is passionate about the public digital transformation as well as educational and environmental policy. For Tobias be.boosted always has been about meeting inspiring people from various backgrounds and learning from each other. As a trainer this year, he seeks to offer this learning opportunity to his fellows and further learn from the community.

Carlotta Wichmann
Carlotta recently finished her Master’s degree in Cross-Cultural Psychology at the University of Osnabrück, where she researched virtual collaboration and worked as intercultural trainer. She was part of Team Tokyo 2021 and enjoys traveling, bouldering and spirited political discussions. Motivated by her own amazing experience in the fellowship and the desire to empower people to realize their true potential, she is delighted to train the next generation of inspiring new leaders.

Philip Simpson
Phil was a member of Team London 2019 and trainer of Team London 2020. Having studied (sport) psychology in the Netherlands and Canada, he currently works in an e-health start-up in Berlin. He is beyond excited to leverage the coaching and project management skills he applies at work to help this year’s fellows make memorable experiences and grow personally and professionally. Besides supporting others’ development, Phil is passionate about all sorts of sports, Berlin’s remarkable food scene, and music.
TEAM London

Katharina Klotz
For the international future to be peaceful, expertise and competent leadership are essential. Having been socialised truly European, and having gotten in touch with IR as a youth rapporteur to the EU, I am passionate about contributing to a stable and goal-oriented international order in the future. Enhancing my leadership and communication skills as well as my knowledge about international affairs and their conduct, be.boosted will be immensely valuable in my pursuit of this goal. I am excited to be challenged and to embark on this journey of personal development together with my enormously inspiring and driven peers.

Mareike Jansen
It is always about the people. Whether you try to convince them of your idea, encourage them to become the best version of themselves or negotiate a deal with them – you need them on your side.To become a more people-captivating person is the reason I set out on my journey with be.boosted – because I cannot think of a better way to improve than surrounding myself with like-minded, talented fellows. I am thrilled to join be.boosted to learn from everyone and be inspired by their thoughts, insights and knowledge. Only when we empower each other, we can shape a better future.

Merete Looft
I am a student of the Erasmus Mundus master’s program in Public Policy in The Hague and Barcelona. I am focusing on the topics “economic policies and development” and these are precisely the fields I am passionate about. When dealing with “development” from the perspective of the Global North, for me, it always comes down to the question of how we can transform our economic system to be more sustainable for the Global South. Especially in this field it is important to be able to convince people about the feasibility of a change towards a more sustainable system. I hope that the skills we learn at be.boosted can help me to communicate more effectively the need for such a change.

Julius Werner
The debate culture of shortened messages and polarization thrives in the digital age of an algorithmically shaped discourse. These changes motivated my studies of Economics, Law, and International Affairs. I have joined be.boosted to cooperate with these passionate minds in understanding societal challenges and evolve our communicative skillsets. In my mind, only candid discourse can bridge the gaps among academia, politics, and societies.

Nick Seifert
As a medical student I firsthand get to experience the fundament of human needs daily. To embrace the strengths of a functional healthcare system as an example, it is paramount to critically understand the flaws of the sociopolitical network behind. With the challenge to change established grievances, be.boosted will provide the unique opportunity to connect with people fighting the same scene and eventually forming shared visions for a brighter future. I am looking forward to an extremely fruitful time with innovative and inspiring minds at team LIMUN 2022!

Helen Spangler
I am super excited to be part of the be.boosted LIMUN Team, because it consists of incredibly interesting people, with diverse backgrounds and inspiring stories. Having studied very interdisciplinarily so far, I highly value such environments. They enable us to learn very important skills of good leaders, such as being aware of and incorporating different approaches and opinions. Looking to the future, I hope to apply these skills in the intersections of the political and the economic sphere.

Tabea Hosak
Having a background in Business Psychology and Change Management I know about the importance of leadership in transformation. As our society is currently facing big challenges that require systemic and sustainable change, I am grateful for the opportunity of further developing my own leadership skills together with this group of inspiring, motivated, and like-minded young people. Let’s make the most out of it and change the world for the better!

Fabian Moormann
As an interdisciplinary student, I love changing perspective on the way we see the world and discussing solutions that are out of the box. Thanks to be.boosted, we will figure out ways our generation can make lasting changes in society, together with young people from all over Europe. I am driven by the will to contribute to solutions of central challenges which tackle the core of social, political and economic issues in global interplay.

Joséphine Sangaré
I very much look forward to the new insights and challenges of the upcoming weeks. The opportunity of training leadership skills in a group with various topical backgrounds is an exciting journey and I am grateful to be part of it. Among working on problems relating to law and cybersecurity, I am passionate about sports, designing and making bespoke handbags, and meeting people with different views to challenge my ideas.

Nina Regenhardt
Nina studies European Affairs and Economics at Sciences Po Paris, where she also obtained her Bachelor’s degree, after an exchange year at Princeton University. Having completed internships with members of parliament in France and Germany, at a think tank and a consultancy, Nina aspires to a career in international public policy. Be.boosted now is a unique opportunity to grow together in a group of ambitious young leaders and to work towards a common goal: a successful LIMUN conference!

Sarina Spiegel
If you’re reading this, you’re apparently interested in what be.boosted fellows are up to. My great passions: Exploring how we can and must transform our global economic system to make it sustainable and humane. When I’m not thinking in megalomaniacal categories, I love to laugh with friends, play the piano, and create todo lists that get updated faster than I can work through them. Hit me up if you have any questions or are also interested in how to transform our economic system 🙂

Arno Ratzinger
My mission is enabling the green transformation to protect our planet by building bridges across disciplines and communities. Currently I do my Masters in International Affairs at the Geneva Graduate Institute, following my undergrad at Sciences Po and Maastricht University. I am the co-founder of ComposTerra where we fight plastic pollution by developing circular biomaterials. At be.boosted I look forward to join forces with other purpose driven individuals who wish to improve their leadership skills.

Eike Stau
Good leadership skills are more important than ever in the face of growing challenges ranging from climate change, fake news, and protectionism to digitization, including, of course, the whole range of cyberspace. As a Fellow at be.boosted, I will foster the soft skills needed to effect meaningful change and grow personally. Most of all, though, I’m looking forward to the people. I’m excited to meet the many change-driven and committed young people from all over Europe who will be joining me!

Cornelia Braun
As a journalist I aspire to examine diverse topics ranging from technological to social matters and collaborate in a changing media landscape. By joining be.boosted, I hope to learn on how to adapt my communication skills in future work environments. Hence, leadership is not only about exceeding your own skills but also cooperating in teams. I am excited to work with an interdisciplinary group and broaden my perspective. Foremost, I am looking forward to exploring new waters with curious people!
The Trainers

Jean-Pierre Salendres
Jean Pierre Salendres works as a Policy Specialist at the European Central Bank. He was a member of Team WorldMUN 2021. Previously, he earned his Master in Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin and his alma mater is Columbia University. Jean Pierre is passionate about enabling innovation through smart policies that leverage new forms of data. At be.boosted, he looks to accompany bright young leaders as they set their sights on having an impact at the international stage. Sports and travel are some of his biggest hobbies.

Svenja Küchenhoff
Svenja just finished her master degrees in Neuroscience and Psychology in Oxford and Munich and is now about to start her neuroscience PhD. While she thinks brains are deeply fascinating, she is looking forward to complement her work in research by giving back what she experienced when she was part of Team LIMUN 2019: empowering highly talented students in their journey of self-growth.

Moritz Weckbecker
After having studied in Berlin and Cambridge, Moritz is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Statistics at the University of Oxford. While his work mainly consists of numbers, he has a true passion for politics and heated debate. This led him to join be.boosted as part of Team LIMUN 2021 and ultimately to train the next generation of amazing individuals.