
Studies Medicine at the Charité in Berlin
Being a medical student, I always found myself asking questions and being excited to find their answers. This is what made me very interested to join medical research teams at the Yale School of Medicine and at the Charite Berlin. I cannot wait to be part of the BeBoosted WorldMUN, discuss global issues, and gain indispensable skills for my career while also getting to know new awesome people from around the globe!

Felix Beetz
Studies Medicine at the Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg-Mannheim
A medical student with a passion for advocacy and realistic optimism. I love to be where things happen and keep the big picture in mind. Have been active in health policy on the national level in the German medical student’s association with a focus on health care structures, digital health, and medical education. No knowledge can have impact without the right soft skills to apply them and the right place for good ideas to grow. Both have to be promoted by leaders. I can’t wait to see how be.boosted helps me foster these skills and do better.

Hannah Brügmann
Studies International Relations & Global Politics at the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen
I joined be.boosted to connect with others who share my interest in thinking outside the box and finding innovative solutions to the challenges of our time. What drives me is my curiosity to better understand decision-making processes, especially to include the interest of marginalized and vulnerable groups. Within the fellowship, I would like to learn how to present my arguments convincingly and thus win over more people for a feminist world worth living in for everyone.

Studies Law in Society at the University of Amsterdam
Facing current societal issues, discussing and coming up with potential solutions, and doing all of this together with people from different academic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds, is probably the biggest passion of mine which I focus on both in my job and in every day life. I am beyond excited to put these experiences to practice as part of this years team!

Mark Enrik Geißler
Studies Medicine at TU Dresden and Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The be.boosted fellowship provides an invaluable opportunity to get to know and work with highly engaged people from different backgrounds. Studying Public Health and Medicine allowed me to observe healthcare problems from different perspectives. During my time at be.boosted I am keen on enhancing my skills in public speaking, debating and communication to improve health worldwide. I am looking forward to this incredible journey together with my fellows.

Carla Posch
Studies Law and Politics of International Security in Amsterdam
Living in today’s day and age can be a daunting thing. For me, connecting with engaged, open-minded people is what inspires and “boosts” me so this fellowship represents my ideal environment to grow. I am especially excited to work on my debating and negotiation skills. As a German in the Netherlands, you can otherwise always find me on a bike, at the beach or on my laptop working on human rights research projects.

Annika Richter
PhD student in Chemistry at the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie in Berlin
I am excited to walk this path together with many young and thriving students from all kinds of different backgrounds. I especially look forward to improve my soft skills and deep dive into leadership, negotiation, feedback, and communication, while having the chance to apply them in a welcoming and safe space. Due to my scientific career so far, I am glad to pop my head out of the academic bubble, push my comfort zone and expand my knowledge and network in intense five months of the be.boosted fellowship.

Andreas Schröter
Studies Medicine in Hannover
During my medical studies and my research year at Harvard Medical School, I experienced many of the big challenges medicine faces today: demographic change, rising costs, and staff shortages are just some examples. To have an impact on these issues, I will need to have competencies beyond sheer medical expertise: Excellent negotiation and communication skills are crucial to succeed in an interdisciplinary environment. I am excited to hone these skills as part of Team Paris 2023.

Lena Seelig
Studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) in Utrecht
I am particularly interested in gender equality and sustainability and believe that everyone can somehow improve the world in their own way. This is why I am super excited to be around other inspiring people, like the be-boosted community. I can’t wait to gain more experience, expand my horizon and start the journey with team Paris!

Jan Felix Sorgenfrey
Studies a double degree in Management at the Rotterdam School of Management & Bocconi School of Management
More than ever, we need strong leadership to guide us through the Grand Challenges of our day – from Climate Change, the erosion of democratic values, to more equitable and inclusive living. As an unwavering optimist, I believe we can solve these challenges and this program equips us with the necessary skills and tools to make our voices heard, our visions understood, and our ventures reality. Let’s be.boosted!

Caroline von Lampe
Studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) in Oxford
In my first term studying PPE at Oxford, I was assigned an essay asking me to describe a governance framework for achieving effective human action on a global scale. By joining be.boosted and getting to debate, exchange, and challenge ideas with this inspiring group, I hope to gain a better idea of how to answer this question. Beyond that, I look forward to building my skills in debating, public speaking and negotiation. In short, I’m excited for the ride that awaits Team Paris and can’t wait to start!

Isabelle von Polenz
Studies Medicine at the Georg-August-University Göttingen and Global Health at Maastricht University
Besides my medical studies, I have always been interested in interdisciplinary thinking, which is why I became involved in various volunteer projects around public health and politics. Here and in my complementary Global Health Master’s, which took me to the Netherlands, Thailand and India, I have learned a lot about the importance of (international) cooperation and mediation. In the be.boosted fellowship I hope to sharpen my negotiation and communication skills and to meet many inspiring young leaders – because often it is the encounters in our lives that shape what we want to and can achieve.

Patrick von Rakowski
Studies International Affairs at the Hertie School in Berlin
Working as a coordinator for European Peace Missions and having studied the European Union and its law thoroughly, I came to the realisation that peace comes about through prosperity, is embedded in institutions, but is always safeguarded by people. Cause, in the end, it is always about people. And to work with people effectively, means communicating effectively. I am humbled about the opportunity to learn from such a diverse and talented group of people and can’t wait for the journey ahead.
The Trainers

Charlotte Giering
Charlotte was part of Team New York 2022. After gaining international experience in Australia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, she is now studying at the University of Valencia and pursues an international master’s in work and organizational psychology. With a focus on leadership, negotiations, and team dynamics in university and outside, she is delighted to share her knowledge and passion to empower the next generation of fellows. In her free time, you can find Charly most probably travelling or working in a nice café on some project she is passioned about.

Louisa Broeg
Louisa was part of Team New York in 2022. Having recently graduated with a Masters degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics, she will start working at the Federal Foreign Office from October. She previously studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford. Louisa is passionate about public speaking and debate, having coached the German National Team for Schools Debating for the last three years. On weekends you will most likely find her at a debating competition, or on her way to visit be.boosted alumni in other cities while listening to one of her favourite podcasts.

Katharina Klotz
Kathi was part of Team London 2022. She is in her final year of undergraduate study in philosophy, economics, and a bit of politics at the universities of Munich and Oxford. Her key areas of interest are political philosophy and international security. Kathi is passionate about debating, spirited discussions, and the innovative student projects that arise from them. She cannot wait to replicate the wonderful, inspiring, and impactful experience she had as a be.boosted fellow and empower the new fellows to find their individual leadership and debating styles, and be inspired by one another! In her free time, you will most likely find Kathi riding her horse, travelling unreasonably far for the weekend, or enjoying her daily Tagesschau session.
TEAM London

Maximilian Berger
Studies Law in Berlin
Hi. I’m Max! I am a law student in the European Lawyer Programme, which allows me to obtain qualifying degrees in London, Berlin and Lisbon. The European Law School Network aims to prepare a new generation of legal minds, equipped for the challenges of an increasingly integrated Europe and an equally interrelated world community. In view of rising global challenges, international cooperation lies at the core of arming our society for a sustainable future. I hope to ‘be.boosted’ into progressive leadership; with law being a fundamental pillar and catalyst for democratic development.

Timon Gregg
Studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics in Oxford
Studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at university, I have encountered the need for interdisciplinary approaches to public policy topics. Being a part of be.boosted allows me to experience public policy in the making through a MUN simulation. I hope to learn more about negotiation and communication through the be.boosted workshops and the MUN simulation. Lastly, I look forward to exchanging ideas with many interesting people during this program!

Lisa Hartmann-Gonzáles
Studies International Affairs in Berlin
Hello hello! My name is Lisa, and I am an international relations student. I am eager to understand how the world works and especially interested in international security, democracy promotion and civil society. Currently, I am working on a project that strengthens democracy by providing trainings on hate speech, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. Now, I am excited to be part of this year´s be.boosted fellowship! Furthermore, I am really looking forward to leaving my comfort zone and being challenged during the trainings on public speaking, negotiation, and leadership skills. By acquiring these skills and by working on security policies in the future, I hope to make a difference.

Johanna Härtner
Studies Politics in Münster
Growing up in a world of accelerating uncertainties and deteriorating global challenges, I believe that the need for effective communication, rational problem-solving and empathetic global cooperation is more important than ever. While I’m already exploring the (political) systems we live in through my studies, I am looking forward to getting different insights and perspectives on communication and cooperation from the other members of Team LIMUN and our trainers. Therefore, I’m keen to start the journey ahead!

Julika Holdmann
Studies International Affairs in Berlin
At be.boosted, I am looking forward to engaging with inspiring people who strive to become part of a new generation of leaders that believe in the value of supportive, constructive and cooperative leadership. At the same time, as a political scientist by training, I highly appreciate controversial discussions and am curious about my fellows’ visions about how to deal with hot topics such as fighting climate change. During the following months, I am very keen on improving my communication, my negotiation and particularly my speech giving skills in the debates we will have!

Jonas-Alexander Kniffka
Studies Human Medicine in Ulm.
The ability to share perspectives in a constructive manner is a fundamental part of effective communities – in medicine, in science, and in our society as a whole. To me, the prerequisite for this is open-minded communication, a skill that can only be learned by challenging our established opinions in exchange with people from various backgrounds. As part of Team LIMUN, I am looking forward to developing new perspectives together with the be.boosted fellows and by participating in vibrant debates with all other attendees in London.

Jakob Maier
Studies Mathematics in Paris
In an increasingly complex world, we tend to suffer from tunnel vision by becoming niche business experts and scientists unable to communicate with other research fields. As a PhD student in Machine Learning on Network structures based in Paris, I want to see beyond the tunnel of my discipline and research in general. Effective communication, responsible leadership and understanding our world’s problems – these matter to me and be.boosted allows me to take the next step towards an impactful future.

Julian Naidu
Studies Business Administration and Mechanical Engineering in Aachen
Our world is becoming more and more complex. At the same time, a lot of incredibly smart people do research in highly specialized fields and widen their scientific fields knowledge. To tackle our global challenges, we need to combine these different insights. We need to bring together people thinking in different ways and approaching challenges from different perspectives. Communication is the key to these interdisciplinary teams. Be.boosted helps us to improve our communication skills, including mediation, negotiation ,and cooperation. I am thrilled to get to know many interesting people and learn.

Jonathan Püttmann
Studies Political Science in Leipzig
I am thrilled to be a be.boosted fellow! As a student of political science, putting my theoretical knowledge to practice in such an international and prolific setting is a brilliant opportunity. I believe communication is key in our tumultuous world and receiving a high standard training in this area will help us make our marks when building our future. Moreover, I am looking forward to collaborating with aspiring young people to achieve a common goal. It will be an exciting journey!

Sophie Röhrl
Studies Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management in Vienna & Lund
I am deeply passionate about the sustainable transformation towards a just economic system within our planetary boundaries. Currently, I am pursuing this passion as a student of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Program in Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management in Vienna and Lund and as a Blue Book trainee at the European Commission in DG CLIMA. Convinced that the sustainability transformation is inherently dependent on people, I am looking forward to enhancing my “people skills” on this be.boosted journey. I cannot think of a better journey of improvement than surrounding myself with my enormously inspiring and driven be.boosted peers.

Nastaran Safi
Studies Law in Frankfurt am Main
Communication skills do not only play a huge role in everyday life but are essential to help you along the way to reach your goals. I am so excited to have the opportunity to enhance my leadership and communication skills as well as my knowledge about international relations through the be.boosted fellowship. Especially the exchange and challenges that we have to conquer as a team are something I am very looking forward to and just all in all thrilled to participate in this journey with all the other inspiring fellows. Let’s go!

Clarissa Schäfer
Studies Medicine in Heidelberg
What does it take to be a good leader? Interested in biomedical research I am passionate about asking questions and solving problems. Be.boosted gives me the opportunity to change perspectives: turning the gaze from detail to the big picture, tackling problems on a global scale rather than a molecular level. I am also looking forward to being enriched by the opinions of inspiring peers and mentors and learning how to effectively communicate, to explain complex issues in a comprehensible way.

Jonas Wengel
Studies Business Informatics in St. Wedel
I am a student of Business Informatics at Saarland University. Communication is the key for a functioning society. Different cultures, backgrounds, education, languages, etc. make it sometimes difficult to understand each other. Therefore, it is important to open up and communicate. Especially in a world, where everything is connected and just caring about yourself does not work anymore. I am excited and thankful to be a be.boosted fellow and looking forward to the MUN conference and experiences made in this fellowship.

Tabea Zorn
Studies Graphic Design & Visualization in Loughborough
I want to become a future leader in sex- and couple’s therapy. Sexual and relationship problems are usually taboo and not discussed publicly. For my work, I must cross boundaries, take people out of their comfort zone, and guide them on foreign grounds. As a psychologist, I approach sexual taboos through genuine interest, empathy, and psychological support. During my studies in Graphic Design, I try to achieve confrontation with sexual taboos through visualization. Now, at be.boosted, I hope to learn to give these taboos a rhetorical voice on a broader stage.
The Trainers

Tabea Hosak
Tabea was part of Team London 2022 and spontaneously supported Team WorldMUN in New York. She holds a bachelor’s degree in ‘business psychology’ and just finished her master in ‘business strategy & sustainability’ in Amsterdam. Now she aims to work towards the climate neutral transformation of our economy. Therefore, she is currently working for a financial advisory firm in the renewable energy sector in Madrid and for a Canadian start-up in ESG metrics. For her, it is important to shape the environmental awareness and sense of responsibility of future leaders. Besides, she is a passionate dancer and praline maker.

Kathi Bach
Kathi just graduated from the master program Psychology: Learning Sciences in Munich and will start her PhD in the field of educational psychology this fall. Beyond the academic context, she is convinced that humans can continuously learn and grow and that they do so best in a diverse community of learners when they are encouraged to realize their potentials. Now, as a trainer, she is thrilled to share the knowledge she has gained during her own fellowship in Team London 2021 with the new generation of be.boosted fellows while also learning from them. Outside of be.boosted, she is passionate about photography, outdoor activities, and picnics with friends.

Julius Werner
Julius currently works as a strategy consultant for the German Ministry of Defense and is pursuing a security-focused master’s degree in International Affairs. He has enjoyed many MUN conferences over the years and had a blast being part of such a passionate group in Team London 2022. To him, stepping out of one’s comfort zone is not only great for personal growth but can be extremely fun. Responding to today’s societal challenges relies on cooperation and candid communication more than ever, and training the next generation of fellows is facilitating that cause. When he does not ponder policy measures, you can spot him running around Berlin, dancing, or enjoying eastern cuisine.